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God has been drumming this word into my heart since He set us off on our journey from Mississippi to North Carolina last winter. I asked Him to lead us to our "community". A place where we could not only live, but be ingrained in all of it. Where we could make friends. Where we could go to church. Where we could run The Rooted Market. He found us a home, then he found us a church, we've even made some friends already. But no storefront.

For months, I have been actively planning to open a storefront. But there was no place that looked promising. Before we moved here, He showed me people shopping The Rooted Market on our some-day-soon acre. But once we were settled into our new home, my husband and I decided having strangers come to our property to shop wasn't something we were comfortable doing. Especially with our 2 young children.

So, for the past few months I have struggled with the visions God has shown me. It has been like a puzzle my limited self hasn't been able to piece together. So I prayed and I prayed. I hear Him so often, yet I didn't hear Him at all in this. And I knew it was me. I wasn't ready to hear that a storefront wasn't what He had planned. Not even close.

I prayed that if I wasn't able to silence my heart enough to hear Him, that He would speak through my husband. My husband confirmed that he did not think it wise for me to open a physical store. He voiced his concern that I was already struggling with my roles as mother, wife and home-keeper. Ouch.

He was right. I've been spinning my wheels getting nowhere, yet finding myself mentally, spiritually and physically exhausted. Since we've moved here, I have spent less time with my family, less time homeschooling, less time making healthy homemade meals, and less time focusing on God's plan. I've spent more time out at the "store" on the back of the property than inside our actual home. It was hard to admit, but it was time for me to humble myself greatly. It was time to go back home. So, here we are, back in a guest bedroom. I moved my desk to a little nook upstairs. Now, my son's play and talk to me and are just near while I work.

A few Sundays ago, we had a guest pastor that spoke on how to do business less strategically and more Biblically. How to have a great faith in God's vision. To stop worrying how the money and resources will come. Why building a community to help execute His vision is so important. Wow, if this sermon didn't speak to me! For someone who's background and education has been in strategic business planning for nearly 2 decades, the concept of Biblical business planning is wild to me. It has me throwing almost everything I've learned out the window. I realized that I have been leaning on the world for understanding when it came to running a business. When success is actually dependent on obedience. And in bold obedience, abundance flows.

As I was crying my eyes out, thanking The Lord for this message, I let it all go and gave it back to God. "Use me Lord for your will. Show me what you need me to do. Anything. I am yours." I opened my heart wide for Him.

And then I heard Him say it again..."community". He has once again flooded me with His vision. A vision of ministry. Think "A Rooted Village" leaving the internet and coming to real life. Women from every generation in my local community gathering in my home learning lost skills, eating wholesome food, gathering in fellowship and prayer, shopping our little guest bedroom store, if they like. Maybe even having a little market where others can sell their handcrafted goods and local provisions. Mostly, being together.

While most small business have plans to grow into something big. Here I am, deeply humbling The Rooted Market into something small and simple. It was never supposed to be THE mission. I'm finally realizing it was merely a part of His vision of community. As The Rooted Market shop has brought the honest creators and values-driven consumers together. Now, A Rooted Village Women's Ministry, will be an equally important part of this mission.

He wants His people to come back together. He wants us to invite friends into our home again. He wants us to check on our neighbors. He wants us to make meals for new mamas, mourning families and our elderly. He wants us to reach out to strangers. He wants us to participate in our community. Help each other. Volunteer our time. Not just go to church, but be a part of our church. He wants us to know one another again. He wants us to put down the phone. Turn off the screens. Leave everything that separates us from one another. He wants us to be The Church again. He wants us to commune. To be one whole again.

So, that's it. That's our mission. To bring God's people together.

~Casey G.

Owner & Shopkeeper


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